Study association SERVICE is founded in the academic year 1992-1993 and assigned to the master track Urban Systems & Real Estate (before Real Estate Management & Development) of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). SERVICE aims to fill the gap between students and the working field since its foundation. This is done by bringing real estate students of the TU/e in contact with real estate companies in a formal and informal way.
The formal activities SERVICE organizes are focused on actualities or upcoming trends in the real estate markets. Besides organizing educational activities, there is attention for the informal aspect, since creating a network is of equal importance in real estate. Drinks, pub-quizzes and several other activities are organized every year to bring this ambition into practice. In this way, students, teachers and real estate professionals are brought in contact with each other in an informal way. More information about the activities SERVICE organizes can be found here.
In addition to the activities, SERVICE publishes the SERVICE Magazine once a year. The magazine was created at the same time as the association was founded and had its first circulation in 1994. Like other study and faculty magazines, the magazine was initially set up to provide students with specific and up-to-date information about the working field and the Real Estate Management study program (now Urban Systems & Real Estate). SERVICE Magazine has since grown into a magazine for students, alumni and the professional real estate sector. Articles appear regularly on the website and the collection is published at the end of the academic year. The reach of magazine is still growing, and it currently reaches over 1,400 people.