Fundamentals of BIM

  • General info (Source: Osiris)
  • Quartile: 2
    Time Slot: E
    Course Type: Specialization Elective
    Code: 7M900
    Responsible Lecturer: dr. P. Pauwels
    ECTS: 5
    Exams: Yes
    Required courses:


    Course description:

    This course is of importance to everyone handling building information in practice, developing novel ways to address current and future challenges in ICT-supported collaboration in building and construction and doing fundamental research in the field. In particular, BIM has become a generally accepted method in the construction industry including civil engineering and building services. Through BIM processes and BIM tools, one is able to represent building information in a comprehensive model and exchange all building information with peers in the building life-cycle. BIM models are nowadays created for different purposes with different aspects for a wide range of applications throughout the lifecycle of buildings, ranging from simple geometric models to detailed building component specifications. In this course, the student is introduced to various data and information modelling techniques of use in combination with mainstream BIM tools and processes. The course starts with an introduction to BIM and to the conceptual modelling language UML. UML can be used to specify interaction diagrams as well as information management diagrams and thus is a crucial tool for the data scientist. Furthermore, several very different data modelling and information modelling techniques are taught in detail, including XML/XSD, relational databases (MySQL), EXPRESS and IFC, and graph databases (Neo4J, RDF, OWL). The student learns to use and apply each of these data modelling techniques through practical and relevant construction-related examples and assignments. The final assignment and lectures teach the student how to use these data models and techniques in state-of-the-art software development environments, using Python as a reference scripting language.

  • Other courses recommended by students
  • Useful preliminary courses:
    • Process Modeling
    Useful follow-up courses:
    • Research & Development Project
    • Collaborative Design

  • Survey outcomes (0: low, 5: high)
  • Time input: You need to be logged in to view this content
    Difficulty: You need to be logged in to view this content
    Fun to do: You need to be logged in to view this content
    Interesting: You need to be logged in to view this content
    Application to practice: You need to be logged in to view this content
    Gained knowledge: You need to be logged in to view this content
    What did people like (in year 2020-2021): You need to be logged in to view this content
    What can be improved (in year 2020-2021): You need to be logged in to view this content

  • Additional information
  • Applied skills / methods:
    • Entity Relation Diagram, UML diagram, XML & XSD data format, STEP, IFC & EXPRES data format, SQL and Relational Database Management Systems, Graph Databases, Python
    • Data handling knowledge
    • learn basic coding and programming
    • Many skills that has to do with BIM, like UML diagrams, a little bit python, XML, XSD, working with databases and ifc etc.
    • Python, making diagrams, working with IFC files and databases
    • Python, Databases, UML, XML
    Project course: 2

  • Metadata
  • Data source: Own survey
    Applied method: Questionnaire
    Response rate: 20%
    Sample size: 8
    Academic year: 2020-2021

  • Disclaimer: The following data has been collected by SERVICE among students that followed the Fundamentals of BIM course in 2020/2021. Based on this feedback or other causes, it is possible that the course will have a different set up in the future. Keep this in mind when you use these data for selecting your courses.