At SERVICE, committees are put together every year to help the board organize a great year full of interesting and fun activities, including the big annual study trip! In addition, the committees also ensure that SERVICE Magazine is an annual success and that it informs and, above all, entertains its readers.
Are you interested in one of these functions? Please let us know by sending an e-mail to
Editors SERVICE magazine 2024-2025
As a member of the editorial staff, you are the creator of one of the most highly regarded real estate magazines in the Netherlands. The magazine strives to offer scientific and professional relevance and has 1,400 subscribers. As an editor, you look for interesting articles and topics by contacting potential authors and big names from the business world. As editor, you also ensure the quality of the magazine by making some corrections to the written articles.

Naomi van Bommel | Chief Editor |
Tjeerd de Geus | Editor |
Koen Hootsmans | Editor |
Tom Jennissen | Editor |
Quinten Reuvekamp | Editor |
Hessel van de Weg |
Editor |
Activity committee 2024-2025
During the academic year, several formal and informal activities will be organized for the members of SERVICE. Previous years included activities such as Wine tasting, bowling, pub quizzes, and several drinks. The committee also organizes annual in-house days and lunch lectures. The activity committee is responsible for the organization and execution of these activities.

Thijs Schutten | Chair |
Anne Hochstenbach | Secretary |
Rick Striper | Secretary |
Rebecca Smits | Treasurer |
Lisa van der Bolt | Committee member |
Ruud Onderdijk | Committee member |
Cas Dodemont | Committee member |
Bastiaan Jansen | Committee member |
Jeanne Bakker | Committee member |
Bram Wierbos | Committee member |
Study Trip committee 2024-2025
Every year SERVICE organizes a large study trip abroad. This is a good way to get acquainted with the working methods, corporate culture and mentality of real estate companies and the real estate market of other countries. Topics such as project development, social housing, asset and real estate management, mobility and trends in the field of recreation are discussed, among others. Last year the trip went to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and the year before that to New York. The location for this year is still a secret, but prepare yourself for an equally cool location!

Iza van Damme | Chair |
Joppe Rijnaard | Secretary |
Tom Dinnissen | Treasurer |
Boet van Ravenstein | Committee member |
Libby Schuilenburg | Committee member |
Rick Striper | Committee member |