The application of nature-based solutions to enhance liveability in a densifying city: A Decision Support Framework for the (re)development of public spaces applied in Eindhoven
(2023) -
The demand for housing cooperatives in the Netherlands: An explorative study of the demand for housing cooperatives, based on the underlying preferences for housing tenure by use of a stated choice experiment
(2023) -
The impact of meeting places on the social interactions and feelings of loneliness of older adults living independently in social apartment complexes
(2023) -
The Potentials of Densification in Aiding the Mobility Transition: Strategies for the redevelopment and planning of dense neighborhoods applied in the context of Eindhoven
(2023) -
The role of flexibility in office sustainability: Commercial real estate expert perspectives
(2023) -
Visitor preferences for the functions of vacant retail real estate in a Dutch city center: A best-worst scaling experiment in the city of Eindhoven
(2023) -
Where to build: Designing a GIS-based decision-support tool used to screen areas in the Netherlands for potential housing sites and determining their level of suitability based on stakeholder interests
(2023) -
Adaptive reuse of industrial heritage: Empirical building and location factors
(2022) -
Business Case Healthy Offices: Insights in the effects of the physical work environment on mental health+ and organizational performance
(2022) -
Citizens’ preferences for participation in urban planning: Towards an inclusive and representative process
(2022) -
Developing a framework for governments to achieve a circular transition with public procurements: Creating a framework for governments that improves the capabilities and knowledge to achieve a circular transition for newly built single-family homes with public procurements
(2022) -
Development of a bikeability assessment tool for Dutch cities
(2022) -
Dutch social housing associations’ route towards 2050: establishing an assisting tool for the prioritization of dwelling complexes: “The factors influencing the pace of energy efficiency renovations and the prioritization and planning by Dutch social housing associations”
(2022) -
Explorative research on how tokenization can be implemented in real estate funds
(2022) -
Exploring the Effects of Lighting and Permeability of Vegetation on Perceived Safety and Perceived Restorativeness in Urban Parks at Nighttime
(2022) -
How demolition turns into preservation: A preference research to cultural-historical transformed residential objects
(2022) -
Integrating the gain, hedonic and normative aspects in a cost-benefit analysis and decision support tool for transition to natural gas-free neighbourhoods
(2022) -
Is splitting the solution?: A study of older and younger people’s considerations regarding living in a split house
(2022) -
Measuring the relation between tall buildings and housing values within Dutch cities
(2022) -
Optimizing public space design at the daily walking route for the older population
(2022) -
Physical activity levels in times of the COVID-pandemic: The impact of personality traits, socio-demographic and environmental factors in Venlo, the Netherlands
(2022) -
Rebalancing urban public space: Assessing the liveability impact of mobility hubs in densifying urban neighbourhoods in Eindhoven
(2022) -
Refurbishment: implementing MCDA and BIM based LCA
(2022) -
Residents’ perceptions of the perceived effects of trees in residential streets
(2022) -
Satisfaction with workplace aspects and perceived activity and productivity support in the office and at home: An in-depth look at hybrid working and task variety
(2022) -
Transport and Well-being in the Netherlands: Analysing the relationships between perceived accessibility, transport poverty, and well-being in the Dutch context
(2022) -
Incorporating human perception in computational urban design: A research with the aim to strengthen computational urban design as a supportive tool in the conceptual design phase of an urban development
(2022) -
Loneliness and the built environment: ‘How are objective and subjective built environment factors associated with feelings of loneliness and how can planning and design of the built environment reduce loneliness?’
(2023) -
Developing Multi-scale Walkability Index Using Weather and Urban Environmental Data
(2023) -
Healthy, sustainable, and safe school environments in Belgium and The Netherlands
(2023) -
Sustainable residential real estate: A study to gain insight into the perception and preferences of residential consumers
(2023) -
User preferences related to public charging: A stated choice approach
(2023) -
Energy transition: a decision support tool towards hourly energy self-sufficient greenfield developments
(2023) -
Developing a framework for municipalities on how to develop a Digital Twin for managing environmental entities in the public space and providing real-time insights into sensor data. A pilot for the department ‘public space’ of the municipality of Weert
(2023) -
Analyzing the role of (semi-)private greenery in mitigating adverse heat effects in urban areas
(2023) -
Green facades: What is the willingness of Dutch homeowners of land-based dwellings to implement a green façade?
(2023) -
Driver compliance with in-vehicle smart parking system advices
(2023) -
No-regret spatial planning policies to prevent the Netherlands from a lock-in situation regarding long-term Sea level Rise (SLR) adaptation
(2023) -
Integrating the gain, hedonic and normative aspects in a cost-benefit analysis and decision support tool for transition to natural gas-free neighbourhoods
(2022) -
Urban Green Parks : Analysis of the factors influencing the experience of urban green parks and park use behaviour and their relationship with the long-term subjective well-being of individuals
(2020) -
Demand and Supply of senior housing; A study using NVM data
(2019) -
Preferences of social tenants in energy efficiency investments and the effect of information provision
(2019) -
Automated Valuation Models for Commercial Real Estate in the Netherlands
(2018) -
Voorkeuren van beleggers in Nederlands woonvastgoed voor de implementatie van de circulaire economie
(2018) -
Spatial segregation: a data science approach
(2018) -
Complementing the customer’s shopping experience with food and beverage services
(2018) -
Obstacles to implement the WELL Building Standard
(2018) -
Tiny Houses: State of affairs and requirements of potential future residents
(2018) -
Langer zelfstandig wonen met behulp van domotica
(2017) -
Pedestrian behavior in downtown shopping areas