An agent-based model of downtown retail dynamics: Exploring the interaction between customers, retailers, and spatial setting
(2025) -
Drivers and barriers for implementing and sustaining engagement in Urban Agriculture in low-SES neighborhoods
(2025) -
The Relationship between Environmentally Sustainable Design Elements and Healthy Design Elements in Office Buildings
(2025) -
Analyzing the relationship between energy poverty and thermal living comfort, and the influence of a minor energy intervention on comfort improvement
(2024) -
Collective private commissioning: A supportive tool for location evaluation
(2024) -
Depaving the way towards the densified city: The potential of car-reduced neighborhoods in a densifying city
(2024) -
Developing a spatial decision support tool to explore which vacant inner city retail properties are interesting to transform into housing based on target group’s preferences
(2024) -
Early integration of a sustainability assessment tool to aid decision making processes in urban (re)development projects
(2024) -
Exploring circular revenue models for temporary housing of housing associations
(2024) -
Exploring the Effectiveness of Immersive Virtual Environments for Co-Design in the Built Environment
(2024) -
Health and comfort in the smart office: Understanding office workers’ preferences for assessment tools
(2024) -
Measuring User-experience in High-Rise Urban Areas Using Immersive Virtual Reality and Eye-Tracking Observations
(2024) -
Place attachment in high-rise inner-city neighborhoods in the Netherlands: The influence of environmental, building, personal and household and internal building characteristics on perceived place attachment of residents in high-rise inner-city neighborhood
(2024) -
Preference and Acceptance of Solar and Wind Farms Near Urban Areas
(2024) -
Preferences for common facilities within co-housing projects: An evaluation on how different common facilities are preferred within co-housing projects among elderly
(2024) -
Prioritisation of Creative Workspace Aspects by Cultural and Creative Workers in Dutch Urban Centres: Investigating user-oriented preferences of cultural creative professionals for ateliers in creative hubs using participatory ranking
(2024) -
The impact of shared facilities on the environmental performance and construction costs of apartment buildings for first-time buyers in the Dutch housing market
(2024) -
The influence of presentation mode on individual choice behavior considering comfortability for a healthy public space design
(2024) -
The Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Material Use in the Dutch Multi-Family Housing Sector
(2024) -
Towards green densification: Urban Green Infrastructure to enhance both urban ecological resilience and human well-being in a densifying Eindhoven
(2024) -
Understanding The Hybrid Work Puzzle: Aspects shaping the choice of work locations in hybrid work environments, and their subsequent relation to employees’ perceived support, trust, and social well-being
(2024) -
Urban water resilience: Understanding the effects of climate change and urban densification to plan the future of urban water systems : urban planning water resilience measures, groundwater management, climate adaptation, urban densification, spatial measures
(2024) -
User acceptance of solar vehicles for passenger mobility
(2024) -
User Acceptance toward Performance Battery Electric Vehicles: at the Backdrop of Sustainable Urban Mobility Transition
(2024) -
Using machine learning to study heterogeneity in the adoption of clean technologies in neighbourhoods
(2024) -
A decision-support tool for improving Human Thermal Comfort in outdoor environments: Focused on the effect of Urban Green Infrastructure on Human Thermal Comfort
(2023) -
Analyzing the role of (semi-)private greenery in mitigating adverse heat effects in urban areas
(2023) -
Attractive multi-scale public space in the densifying city of Eindhoven: Improving the quality of life with a toolbox for high-quality public space
(2023) -
Building Intimate Connections: The influence of the built environment on the loneliness of young adults
(2023) -
Car free Arnhem
(2023) -
Combating loneliness through the built environment
(2023) -
Developing a framework for municipalities on how to develop a Digital Twin for managing environmental entities in the public space and providing real-time insights into sensor data: A pilot for the department ‘public space’ of the municipality of Weert
(2023) -
Developing an energy poverty risk index for social housing in the Netherlands
(2023) -
Development of a GIS-based multi-criteria flood risk assessment tool
(2023) -
Energy transition: a decision support tool towards hourly energy self-sufficient greenfield developments
(2023) -
Enhancing the Urban Food Environment in a Densifying Eindhoven: Stimulating Healthy and Sustainable Food Choices through a Complementary Local Food Network
(2023) -
Green facades: What is the willingness of Dutch homeowners of land-based dwellings to implement a green façade?
(2023) -
Healthy, sustainable, and safe school environments in Belgium and The Netherlands
(2023) -
How individual, job, and workplace design aspects relate to hybrid working modes and consequential organizational outcomes: a closer look at individual and team productivity, organizational identification and workplace cohesion of hybrid office workers
(2023) -
Importance of place attachment for seniors’ relocation
(2023) -
Instance-based Transport Poverty: Investigating the existence of variation in the individual’s level of transport poverty with the introduction of instance-based transport poverty
(2023) -
Investigating traffic flows entering cities based on openly available data and a geographic information system: The case of Eindhoven
(2023) -
Loneliness and the built environment: ‘How are objective and subjective built environment factors associated with feelings of loneliness and how can planning and design of the built environment reduce loneliness?’
(2023) -
Mindful densification: Protecting and improving the mental wellbeing of the ageing population in a densifying city : a case study for Eindhoven, the Netherlands
(2023) -
No-regret spatial planning policies to prevent the Netherlands from a lock-in situation regarding long-term Sea level Rise (SLR) adaptation
(2023) -
Perceived sustainability benefits by corporate real estate managers
(2023) -
Retail related developments in medium-sized Dutch inner-city shopping areas at the beginning of the 21st century
(2023) -
Social cohesion and interaction in high rise buildings: The effect of building and resident characteristics on social cohesion and interaction in high rise residential buildings
(2023) -
Stimulating seniors to relocate to smaller and more suitable homes: best practices and participation
(2023) -
Sustainable residential real estate: A study to gain insight into the perception and preferences of residential consumers