SERVICE goes to São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro! From the 22nd of April to the 4th of May 2025, SERVICE will go to São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. During this trip, we will be visiting interesting companies as well enjoying all the fun activities São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro have to offer. The purpose of the study trip is to get acquainted with the work fields of SERVICE and the cultures of other countries.

Study Association SERVICE

Study association SERVICE was founded in the study year 1992-1993 and is attached to the master Urban Systems & Real Estate (previously called Real Estate Management and Development) of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Since the founding, SERVICE strives to make the bridge between the students and the practical field of work as small as possible.

SERVICE tries to accomplish this by allowing the Real Estate students of the TU/e to meet the world of real estate both in an informal and a formal way. Here, SERVICE provides itself as an intermediary between the students and the companies.

The formal activities organized by SERVICE have to do with the actualities in the real estate market or trends expected in the future. Besides organizing educational activities, there is also a lot of attention to the informal aspect. All in all, networking is very important in the real estate sector. Throughout the year, there are drinks and activities such as a pubquiz or a fun night of bowling. Through this way, the contact between students, teachers, and the field of work is stimulated in an informal way. Do you think that SERVICE is something for you and are you not yet subscribed as a member? Become a member for free by clicking the link below.

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SERVICE Magazine

Once a year, SERVICE publishes the SERVICE Magazine. The magazine was founded simultaneously with the study association and the first edition was released in 1994. The magazine has grown to become a well-known magazine for students, alumni and the professional real estate sector. Making it the showpiece of the study association. The edition is still growing and currently 1400 people are receiving the magazine. A large variety of topics are included in the magazine, covering the complete range of aspects within the world of real estate. On this, one could think about the management of dwellings, utility buildings, facility management, real estate investment, area development and much more.


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Study association SERVICE was founded in the study year 1992-1993 and is attached to the master Urban Systems & Real Estate (previously called Real Estate Management and Development) of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Since the founding, SERVICE strives to make the bridge between the students and the practical field of work as small as possible. This is being done by organizing formal and informal activities.

more about SERVICE


One of the most important goals of the study association is the exchange of knowledge from the field of practice and education to companies, organizations and students. We as SERVICE strive to get in touch with companies and organizations out of the urban systems and real estate sector on different levels. Functioning as an intermediary between students and companies

more about companies


SERVICE is there for the students and has two main goals: One of the goals is to enable the urban systems and real estate students of the TU/e ​​to get in touch with a constantly changing world of real estate, urban planning, and transportation. This is done in an informal and formal way. The other goal is to inform students well on the education provided at the University.

more about students