User Acceptance toward Performance Battery Electric Vehicles: at the Backdrop of Sustainable Urban Mobility Transition

  • Author:
  • Year: 2024

Keywords: N.A.

This master thesis is the final station of my dual master journey of Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions
(SUMT) in KTH Royal Institute of Technology (entry) and Eindhoven University of Technology (exit). It is also
supported by Business Development & Digitalization team of Volkswagen R (GRX) in Volkswagen AG.
This graduation project is merged with my passion on automotive and my gains in urban mobility, while it is
not easy to introduce adoption of cars in urban mobility during the sustainable transitions. The most fortunate
thing along the journey is the endorsement and supervision from inspiring researchers and experts. I would
like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor Feixiong Liao. His feedback and advice keep inspiring
me from the beginning to the end of this thesis, helping me ensure the progress and quality of my thesis. I am
also grateful to Aloys Borgers for his support and guidance during survey design. And I like to thank Gamze
Dane for her suggestions to the presentation. Additionally, I would like to thank Henning Schindler
(Volkswagen AG) for his recognitions and rich industrial experience, which gives this thesis project great
practical significance. Moreover, special thanks to Senkai Xie, one of Feixiong’s PhD students, for his support
during modelling.
Besides those who have guided me on this thesis, there have been many other people supporting me mentally
throughout the whole thesis project. I would like to thank my master program mates Peihang and Peiling for
their accompany in the past two years, my work-out buddies Eli and Qiyu for necessary distraction in
powerlifting and bouldering, and all others friends who would like to listen to my complains during my tough
time. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their consistent believe and support to me, which encourage
me to get to where I am today step by step.
