User acceptance of solar vehicles for passenger mobility

  • Author:
  • Year: 2024

Keywords: Solar Vehicles – UTAUT2 – Structural Equation Modeling – User Acceptance

This thesis is the culmination of my graduation project at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
and concludes my master’s degree in Architecture, Building and Planning: Urban Systems and Real
A special thanks to my supervisors, Feixiong Liao and Aloys Borgers, for their ongoing supervision,
support, and guidance throughout my graduation project, and to Theo Arentze for joining as the third
supervisor and providing feedback during the final stages.
Additionally, my sincere thanks to each individual that filled out my questionnaire, as well as those who
helped distribute it. Finally, I am grateful for the continuous support from my family and friends during
my studies, as well as all the students, lecturers, and professors at the TU/e with whom I had the pleasure
of sharing classes during my master’s program.
Without everyone mentioned above, the result you see before you would not have been possible.
Once again, many thanks, and I hope you enjoy reading this paper.
