Urbanisation causes many environmental challenges, like increasing levels of pollution and densification in cities. Due to the urbanisation process, urban green space has come under pressure, while it is recognized that these green spaces can contribute to an improved subjective well-being of citizens. The aim of this research is to gain more insight in the relationships between personal and park characteristics, park use behaviour, sense of place and long-term subjective well-being. An online questionnaire was developed to collect data for this research. The questionnaire was distributed in two medium sized cities in the Netherlands, namely Eindhoven and ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Data was analysed using a path analysis. The results of this research show that appreciation of facilities, vegetation and the absence of disturbances influence the use and sense of place of a park. Furthermore, the results also show that personal characteristics influence the use of a park and the long-term subjective well-being. The findings can be used by designers and policy makers in the decision-making process to improve existing parks or design new parks that contribute to more positive experiences and improve thereby the subjective well-being of individuals.
Urban Green Parks : Analysis of the factors influencing the experience of urban green parks and park use behaviour and their relationship with the long-term subjective well-being of individuals
- Author: M.A.C. (Mieke) Kools
- Year: 2020