Understanding The Hybrid Work Puzzle: Aspects shaping the choice of work locations in hybrid work environments, and their subsequent relation to employees’ perceived support, trust, and social well-being

  • Author:
  • Year: 2024

Keywords: N.A.

This master thesis completes my master’s degree in Architecture, Building and Planning: Urban
Systems & Real Estate at Eindhoven University of Technology, and marks the end of my academic
First, I would like to express my hearƞelt graƟtude to my first supervisor: Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek,
whose kindness and support has been invaluable not only throughout this thesis but also during my
enƟre master’s program. Your passion and dedicaƟon to your work has inspired me and led me to
discover a new field which I am passionate about. I also wish to extend my sincere thanks to my second
supervisor, Lisanne Bergefurt, for the care you showed for my work over the past year and guiding me
through the staƟsƟcal parts of this thesis, besides all else. I would like to thank both of you for your
conƟnuous availability and understanding of my personal circumstances. I would also like to thank
Pascale Le Blanc for her feedback from a different perspecƟve and her role as a third supervisor.
Without the professional experƟse, assistance, and feedback of all my supervisors, this thesis would
not have reached its current form.
Second, I cannot thank my parents enough for the sacrifices they have made, enabling me to pursue a
degree and accumulate knowledge that will serve as a strong foundaƟon for my future. A big thank
you goes out to my brother as well, for always having my back and for conƟnuously encouraging me
to strive for excellence. I would not be where I am today without my family’s care, support, and advice.
Finally, I am deeply grateful to Adam, my friends, and colleagues, who have all been more than
amazing. You have pushed me through the challenging Ɵmes of this thesis and have stood by me
regardless of the circumstances, and I thank you all for that.
