Towards green densification: Urban Green Infrastructure to enhance both urban ecological resilience and human well-being in a densifying Eindhoven

  • Author:
  • Year: 2024

Keywords: Urban green infrastructure (UGI), urban densification, urban ecological resilience, human well-being

Cities are shifting away from expanding and towards densifying, driven by the recognition that urban expansion is linked to a range of severe
environmental and social issues. Eindhoven, a city in the Netherlands, exemplifies this trend, actively pursuing significant densification to realize
35.000+ new dwellings within the existing urban fabric before 2040. While densification brings many advantages, such as increased economic
productivity and diverse social opportunities, its adverse impacts on urban ecological resilience and human well-being are tremendous.
Collaboratively, people and nature can achieve a mutually beneficial potential through Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI). This study focuses on
leveraging UGI to enhance both urban ecological resilience and human well-being in a densifying context. However, evidence-based guidance
for implementing UGI in such scenarios is currently lacking.
This research aims at identifying UGI interventions and their impact on human well-being and urban ecological resilience. Employing a theoretical
framework, systematic literature review, handbook review, and critical policy review, six main strategies were identified with corresponding UGI
interventions for their application in densifying urban contexts. These UGI interventions were assessed on their benefit to human well-being
and urban ecological resilience, and policy recommendations were derived from the findings. The study’s results are presented into a policy
and design guide, providing evidence-based practical examples for urban designers, planners, and decision makers in Eindhoven and beyond.
The study prioritizes the potential of UGI to enhance both human well-being and urban ecological resilience, enhances the understanding of
UGI’s role in densifying environments and provides a framework for integrating UGI into urban planning, design, and decision-making practices.
