The Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Material Use in the Dutch Multi-Family Housing Sector

  • Author:
  • Year: 2024

Keywords: N.A.

This report presents a study on the willingness to pay (WTP) for sustainable materials in the Dutch multi-family
housing sector and functions as the graduation thesis for the track Urban Systems & Real Estate (USRE) in the
Architecture, Building & Planning (ABP) master’s program at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The
aim of this study is to determine people’s preferences regarding sustainable material alternatives in the
residential construction sector and if people are willing to pay more for sustainable materials in comparison to
traditional construction materials. Conducting this study has given me the chance to apply the knowledge and
skills acquired during my studies. Resulting in a more profound understanding of sustainability in the construction
sector and people’s sustainable behaviour.
I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors Stephan Maussen, Theo Arentze, and Pei-Hsuan Lee for
their guidance and feedback during the project. I am especially thankful to Stephan Maussen for the insights he
gave me from a practical and substantive perspective. I would like to thank Theo Arentze for his guidance on the
methodological aspects of this study and I would like to thank Pei-Hsuan Lee for sharing her knowledge on
sustainability from an academic point of view. Furthermore, I want to express my profound gratitude for the
guidance my supervisors from VORM gave me. Maarten Sakkers and Mark van Stijn gave me a real insight into the
world of project development, providing me with a great impression of the real estate sector and facilitating the
practical implementation of my graduation project. Additionally, I want to thank four experts on sustainability,
who provided me with an understanding of sustainability in the real estate sector, which supported my graduation
thesis significantly. Special thanks to Mathew Vola (Arup), Jesse Plas (DGMR), Wester Regelink (W/E Adviseurs),
and Martin Dunnink (Nieman).
I want to express my appreciation to Study Association SERVICE, who provided me with many cups of coffee,
offering support during working sessions and stimulating engaging and enjoyable conversations. Additionally,
heartful thanks to the members of both SERVICE and CHEOPS for ensuring that there was enough time to relax
and have fun besides studying. Lastly, my sincere appreciation goes to my friends and family for their unwavering
support throughout my graduation process. A special acknowledgement goes to my friends from Floor 5 in
Vertigo, who shared the graduation process with me, offering mutual support during this significant period.
