The Relationship between Environmentally Sustainable Design Elements and Healthy Design Elements in Office Buildings

  • Author:
  • Year: 2025

Keywords: N.A.

This master thesis completes my master’s degree in Architecture, Building, and Planning: Urban
Systems & Real Estate at the Eindhoven University of Technology and marks the end of my academic
journey. The finalizafion of the graduate program means I will leave the City of Eindhoven.
I would like to start by expressing my grafitude to my first supervisor, Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek, for
her unlimited and invaluable support during thisjourney. The consistent encouragement and experfise
during this process have been fundamental to the success of this thesis. I am also deeply grateful to
my second supervisor, Lisanne Bergefurt, for her support, unlimited crificism on mental health and
construcfive feedback. Lastly, I would like to extend a hearfful thanks to my third supervisor, Valeria
Caiafi, for her perspecfive on sustainability, which was always presented with warm encouragement.
During the journey, I was often surprised by the extensive feedback and regular contact moments, and
for that, I would like to thank all three of you.
Besides, I would like to thank my family and friends for their unlimited support during this journey. I
would like to thank my parents and my sister; your encouragement has been a great source of strength.
I would like to thank Maud for her hospitality; her cooking skills are unmatched and perfect for
celebrafing the peaks and compensafing for the lows. I also would like to thank Catherina for always
being present for a fun fime; thank you for showing me that Eindhoven is a wonderful city. Lastly, I
would like to thank Marfijn for his support, mofivafion, understanding, encouragement, and countless
feedback moments. It is hard to put into words the unlimited support I received from you.
Finalizing my master’s degree leaves me with a double feeling; on the one hand, I am sad my student
days are over, but I am mostly eager to explore the world as a young professional. I look back at the
past six years in Eindhoven with great joy!
