Social cohesion and interaction in high rise buildings: The effect of building and resident characteristics on social cohesion and interaction in high rise residential buildings

  • Author:
  • Year: 2023

Keywords: N.A.

This master thesis on social cohesion and interaction in high rise buildings represents the final product of my
graduation project. This report finalizes my master Architecture, Building, and Planning with a specialization
in Urban Systems and Real Estate at the Eindhoven University of Technology. This graduation project was
executed internally at the university under the supervision of my graduation committee. I want to express
my deepest gratitude to my supervisors: Pauline van den Berg, Stephan Maussen, and Astrid Kemperman. I
want to thank them for their committed guidance during the process of this research. I could not have
finished this report without their support. I also have to thank all the respondents who filled in the survey.
Without their involvement, this research would not have been possible. Finally, I would like to thank all my
friends and family for supporting me during the process of writing my master thesis. For keeping to believe
in me, for all their feedback and enthusiasm for my report, for keeping me sane with endless game nights,
and for just listening to me talking about high rise developments in Eindhoven.
