Keywords: N.A.
This master thesis on place a0achment in high-rise inner-city neighborhoods marks the
comple7on of my master Urban System and Real Estate (USRE) at the Eindhoven University
of Technology. This study reflects my interest in the built environment, (social) real estate
development, high-rise buildings and urban challenges. Hereby I would like to thank my
supervisors Gamze Dane, Oana Druta and Theo Arentze for their commi0ed guidance during
the research process, valuable feedback and their help with interpreta7ng results. A big thanks goes to
the people who gave me interes7ng informa7on to base my research on. These are the interviewed
experts which gave me insights in prac7ce, and the residents who filled in my survey which provided
me a useful data set. Furthermore, I would like to thank my family, friends and boyfriend for their
support throughout the process of wri7ng the thesis. And of course, special thanks to Steven Zijlstra,
my supervisor from SENS real estate for all the brainstorm sessions and feedback.