Physical activity levels in times of the COVID-pandemic: The impact of personality traits, socio-demographic and environmental factors in Venlo, the Netherlands

  • Author:
  • Year: 2022

Keywords: N.A.

This thesis called “Physical activity levels in times of the COVID-pandemic” marks the end of my master at
Eindhoven University of Technology. This makes me proud and sad at the same time, as it means a closure
of a major chapter of my life. However, I am curious what the upcoming opportunities and stepsin my life
will be. I was engaged in this thesis from November 2021 to July 2022. The basis of this research is a
questionnaire conducted amongst inhabitants of the municipality of Venlo.
I would like to thank my supervisors Pauline van den Berg and Astrid Kemperman for providing guidance
and feedback during my graduation project. In addition, I would like to thank Pieter van Gorp and Raoul
Nuijten for their overall feedback and insights to improve my thesis. Whenever I was stuck in the process,
there was always someone to help me out.
Secondly, I would like to thank the municipality of Venlo, especially Minou Weijs-Perrée, for her feedback
and help in publishing the questionnaire. I am more than thankful for this opportunity. Subsequently, I
would like to thank all the respondents; without their cooperation I would not have been able to conduct
the analyses.
Lastly, I would like to grasp this opportunity to thank everyone who has been part of my student life in
Eindhoven for the great time I had over the past years. Special thanks go to my boyfriend Wouter and my
parents for always being there for me during my graduation project and studies. In the moments of lost
interest, you kept me motivated.
I hope you enjoy reading this report.
