Keywords: N.A.
Dear reader,
In front of you lies my final thesis “Measuring the relation between tall buildings and housing
values within Dutch cities” for the track Urban Systems & Real Estate as part of the master
Architecture, Building and Planning from the Eindhoven University of Technology. The reason
why I chose this subject came as a result of my personal interest in high-rise developments that
arose during my visits to the U.S. and Asia combined with the current housing shortage there is
in the Netherlands. These fields of interest have made me want to complete my studies with a
research on high-rise developments. In total I have worked for over a year on this final piece that
wraps up my studies in Eindhoven and also finalizes my time as a student.
First of all, I want to thank Theo Arentze, Ioulia Ossokina and Peter van der Waerden from the TU
Eindhoven for the expertise they brought into my research and for the constructive feedback
during our meetings and the suggestions on where to look for next.
Secondly, I want to thank my direct coworkers and supervisors at Arcadis who helped me out
when I had certain questions or when I was stuck within my research. In particular I want to
thank Kees Swinkels, Janneke Roosjen and Tjark Huisman who helped me out during difficulties
I encountered during this period.
Finally, I want to thank all my friends and family who supported me during the writing of this
study as it was very challenging. As a result of the ongoing pandemic I had to adapt constantly
into new workplaces; from my bedroom towards an office and at some point also back to
university again. Nevertheless I’m very happy that the world is slightly opening up again and I’m
ready to explore it again!