Loneliness and the built environment: ‘How are objective and subjective built environment factors associated with feelings of loneliness and how can planning and design of the built environment reduce loneliness?’

  • Author:
  • Year: 2023

Keywords: N.A.

By writing this preface, I am not only concluding my graduation thesis but also saying goodbye to my
time as a student. It is a bittersweet ending, as I have immensely enjoyed my time at the faculty of the
Built Environment at the Technical University of Eindhoven. However, the moment has come to
embark on new adventures, after a well-deserved break, if I may say so.
My parents, brother, and partner deserve my deepest appreciation for believing in me and supporting
me no matter. Your ongoing encouragement has been essential in my achievements. A particular
thank you also goes out to my friends, who have been by my side since the very beginning. Your
presence has made my time as a student extremely memorable, from amazing trips to lots of laughter
and nights we may or may not remember. My former housemates, who began their studies a year
before me and gave me crucial advice along the road, deserve a great deal of appreciation. I wouldn’t
have been able to complete all of my courses satisfactorily without them. I also want to thank SERVICE
for providing me with a place where I found new friends, had discussions, vented when necessary, and
utilized the ever-reliable coffee maker.
I am immensely grateful to everyone who played a part in making my graduation a reality. Firstly, I
want to thank Noor Dinnissen for working with me on this thesis. Being able to work through the
challenges of graduation with someone was pleasant. My sincere gratitude is extended to my
supervisors, Astrid Kemperman and Pauline van den Berg. You not only shed light on the issue of
loneliness in the Netherlands but also inspired me to explore how the built environment can
contribute to addressing this rising problem. Your guidance and support have been invaluable. Lastly,
I would like to acknowledge Yuwen Zhao and her research, which served as a cornerstone for my own
It is my sincere hope that you find my graduation thesis enjoyable to read, and I aspire for the insights
and discoveries within it to make a meaningful impact on real-world interventions, ultimately
contributing to the reduction of loneliness.
