Is splitting the solution?: A study of older and younger people’s considerations regarding living in a split house

  • Author:
  • Year: 2022

Keywords: N.A.

This thesis is the final result of my graduation project for the master Architecture, Building and Planning
– Urban Systems and Real Estate at the Eindhoven University of Technology. The ageing population in
the Netherlands, combined with the problems on the housing market that make it difficult for young
people to find a home, is creating a major problem. This research deals with these problems: not only
the problems experienced by the older people, but also the problems experienced by young people. It
examines whether splitting up the houses in which the older people live in order to create independent
living spaces for young people could offer a solution to help young people find affordable housing and
ensure that older people have help close at hand.
I would like to thank Amanda Schiltmans of Stichting Statiegeld op Jeugd for giving me the opportunity
to investigate what considerations people have when splitting their home and living in a split house. I
would also like to thank my supervisors P.E.W. van den Berg, S.J.E. Maussen and T.A. Arentze for their
guidance, support and patience during this graduation process.
