How demolition turns into preservation: A preference research to cultural-historical transformed residential objects

  • Author:
  • Year: 2022

Keywords: N.A.

The research provides insight into the importance of preserving certain
attributes. For the revealed group, the mental model shows that the
purchasing choice seems to be mostly based on the visual attributes of
the home and its immediate surroundings. Attributes like high ceilings,
visible structural elements and architecture are experienced as important.
The flexibility in the layout and design, as well as the surface area of the
house, whereby preference has often been given to a spacious house.
Regarding environmental factors, the proximity to green appears to be the
most important buying motive, where mainly the health and recreation
advantage plays a role.
Major differences were observed between the important attributes and
underlying motives of the revealed and stated research groups. For the
stated group, environmental factors, social factors and price appear to
play a much larger role. The form of living and social contact are often
mentioned. Much attention is paid to the attributes that promote health,
well-being and social control. Shared facilities, outdoor space and greenery
in the area fall within the top six attributes mentioned. Affordability
seems to be a recurring consideration. Cultural-historical characteristics
are experienced as less important related to other attributes.
