Explorative research on how tokenization can be implemented in real estate funds

  • Author:
  • Year: 2022

Keywords: N.A.

In front of you is the master’s thesis: ‘’Explorative research on how tokenization can be implemented
in real estate funds”. I wrote this master’s thesis to conclude the master’s programme in Urban
Systems & Real Estate at Eindhoven University of Technology. I can look back with great pleasure on
the times of my master’s and graduation periods.
During the master’s programme, I was able to learn a lot about the built environment and real estate
from a very broad to a very in-depth level. For this master’s thesis, however, I took a slightly different
direction, which suits my interests in innovations and my ambition to constantly progress. It was
therefore a huge pleasure for me to learn so much on these developments and new technologies.
I would like to thank my supervisors Stephan and Rianne for their excellent guidance during this
process. I certainly understand that due to the novelty and unfamiliarity of this subject for you, this
must not always have been easy and that it took a lot of extra effort. However, I always got the support
and feedback I needed, for which I thank you.
Furthermore, I would like to thank Layla, my parents, brother, sister and other family members for
their unconditional support and guidance throughout this masters and graduation process. In
particular, I would like to thank Layla with whom I had the opportunity to spend endless hours together
during our graduation projects and in which I had so much support from you.
I would also like to thank FIBREE and Jo in particular. Jo has meant a lot to this research and to me. I
was able to learn a lot from him and I am very grateful for that.
Hereby, I would like to proudly offer my master’s thesis, in which I hope readers can get inspired and
gain new knowledge from it. I hope there is a bright future ahead for blockchain and its applications,
but there is still a lot of work to do. I am honoured to have been able to contribute to this.
I wish you much reading pleasure.
