Dutch social housing associations’ route towards 2050: establishing an assisting tool for the prioritization of dwelling complexes: “The factors influencing the pace of energy efficiency renovations and the prioritization and planning by Dutch social housing associations”

  • Author:
  • Year: 2022

Keywords: Dutch social housing associations, energy efficiency renovation pace, Multicriteria-Analysis, Analytical Hierarchy Process, interviews, determinants of interest, carbon-neutrality, The Standard, a prioritization model, Roadmap, prioritization, dwelling complexes

The past nine months have flown by. Looking back on periods with visible results after a significant
amount of work, are often great moments of satisfaction for me. And so too, is the end of my master
thesis at TU/e. Prior to the research, I only knew the tip of the iceberg regarding the world of social
housing associations within the Netherlands. I can proudly say that during my graduation project I have
learned a great deal about one of the most important fields within Dutch real estate.
Although it sometimes felt as if I found myself in an ocean of constantly new and deeper information,
I have managed to navigate my way through the forest of relevant research topics related to the Dutch
social housing sector. It feels a bit like firstly diving into the deep-end and then learning how to inflate
your floaties. I would like to offer my gratitude to the people who have helped me with this in the past
I would like to thank Dyon Noy, Atriensis’ company supervisor, for his excellent guidance. Thanks to
your help, I have managed to establish a concrete topic of research relevant to both real-life practice
and the university. Further thanks for being a very helpful conversation partner. If Dyon doesn’t know
the answer to one of my questions, then probably not many other experts within his field do.
Furthermore, I would like to thank Theo Arentze for the consistent guidance throughout these months,
the return of extensive and concrete feedback, and not to forget to mention the very fast response
time. Additional thanks to Stephan Maussen for also accompanying my research and for providing
feedback, functioning as the supervisor taking both the university’s perspective as the real-life
practice’s perspective into consideration.
Finally, I would like to thank my father, brother, girlfriend, and all my closest friends for their
continuous support. Not only during my graduation, but also during all the years before and in the
years to come.
I am proud to offer my thesis for the reader’s own amusement, inspiration and as additional knowledge
on the complex and difficult transition that awaits the entire sector. The social housing sector will have
to face an enormous task in the coming years, with limited strength. I hope that, like me, the reader
wishes to make a positive contribution to this task so that in 100 years’ time, we will still be able to
enjoy the world as we know it.
I wish you much reading pleasure.
