Developing an energy poverty risk index for social housing in the Netherlands

  • Author:
  • Year: 2023

Keywords: N.A.

Before you lies the master thesis Developing an energy poverty risk index for social housing in the
Netherlands written as graduation project for the Master study Urban Systems & Real Estate at the
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. This master thesis was partly executed during a graduation
internship at Republiq in ‘s Hertogenbosch. This research is intended for housing corporations and
government policymakers that demand a clear and detailed way to determine and analyse the energy
poverty risk. For these stakeholders, gained insights on energy poverty risks will enable them to adjust
their policies accordingly.
I would like to thank my supervisors from the university, Theo Arentze and Stephan Maussen, for their
guidance during the process and their advises of research methods. Due to their different areas of
expertise, coaching sessions with both supervisors complemented each other well during the process
of my thesis. I would like to thank my supervisor from Republiq, Sander de Clerck, for his help and
assistance during the process and for supplying data that could be used in the research. I would like
to thank Peter van der Waerden for supplying the WoON 2021 data that was crucial for this research.
Furthermore, I would like to thank the employees of Republiq for their help during the research. I am
grateful that they taught me the KNIME program, which was very useful during this research.
Additionally, it was nice that they showed me how consultants and housing corporations regard
energy poverty. Finally, I would like to thank my father for giving me advise, explaining how to use
Excel macro’s, and for checking my thesis.
