Keywords: N.A.
In front of you lies the master thesis “Developing a Digital Twin for managing environmental entities
in the public space and providing real-time insights into sensor data: A pilot for the department
‘public area’ of the municipality of Weert.” The aim of the research is to create a blueprint for
municipalities to develop a Digital Twin capable of managing environmental entities in the public
space. It was written to fulfill the graduation requirements of the Urban Systems & Real Estate
program at the Technical University of Eindhoven. I was involved in the research and writing of this
thesis from November 2022 to July 2023.
This thesis is a result of the knowledge I gained during my HBO Bachelor Civil Engineering and the
following Pre-Master and Master Urban Systems & Real Estate. I noticed that during my studies I
always tried to approach problems in a practical way. Therefore, this thesis is more practical than
I would like to thank my two supervisors, Aloys Borgers and Gamze Dane, as well as the external
supervisor Marco van Dijk for the feedback during the initial setup of the thesis and during its
execution. I would also like to thank Patrik Trines, Program Director of the municipality of Weert,
for giving me the opportunity to carry out this research in collaboration with the department Public
Space of the municipality of Weert. Without their cooperation I would never have been able to
complete this research.