Combating loneliness through the built environment

  • Author:
  • Year: 2023

Keywords: N.A.

In front of you lays the result of my graduation thesis to complete my Master Urban systems and Real
Estate at Eindhoven University of Technology. Because of my interest in the social domain and healthy
urban environments, the choice for the topic loneliness in the built environment was quickly made. I
carried this research out with great curiosity.
I have learned a lot by conducting this research, and even though I was sometimes struggling, I always
got motivated again because of the people involved in my research. I conducted Part I in collaboration
with Bregje Schulten. Thanks to our good cooperation and many talks, Part I became a comprehensive
and clear piece of work. I would also like to thank my supervisors from the university, Astrid
Kemperman and Pauline van den Berg, for the many meetings, careful feedback, help with the data
analyses and of course responding to emails so quickly. Your involvement stimulated my curiosity and
enthusiasm. In addition, I chose Theo Arentze as my third supervisor because of this knowledge of data
analyses. You strengthened my report through your critical feedback, so thank you. I would also like to
thank the experts from Planterra for your contribution to my thesis. Thanks to you, I have been able to
think critically over and over again about why I am taking certain steps. The colleagues at the
Municipality of Rotterdam helped me with part II of this research. Thanks to the provision of available
data and experts, part II became a reality. In addition, they brought my thesis to a higher level by
providing feedback and thinking along.
I would also like to mention the support of my friends and family. You always believed in me and helped
me stay motivated, thank you for that! In addition, you helped make my thesis better through your
interest. In particular, I would like to thank my mother who in the last weeks, even when she was on
holiday, asked how I was doing. And of course, I want to thank my partner Bram for supporting me
through thick and thin.
I hope that reading my thesis arouses the same curiosity in you as it did in me. Hopefully we will see a
decrease in loneliness in the future.
