Collective private commissioning: A supportive tool for location evaluation

  • Author:
  • Year: 2024

Keywords: Collective private commissioning, land suitability, location, residential decision making

The Dutch housing market is under pressure due to a problematic lack of suitable and affordable
dwellings. Because of this, housing prices are rapidly rising causing problems across society.
Building more suitable and affordable houses on the shorter time span is the most prominent
solution to battling this problem. In this study, the focus is on collective private commissioning
(CPC) as a solution to rapidly build more suitable houses to relieve the stress on the Dutch housing
market. This study aimed to generate more knowledge on the factorsinfluencing decision making
of CPC participants and to provide these CPC participants with a tool to guide them in the location
identification process. This would help the CPC participants by speeding up the longest step in the
CPC development process. In this tool, users are able to select what location attributes they want
to include, how important they value these attributes and apply these criteria to their desired
area of interest. The foundation of this tool was a land suitability analysis using vector data,
geographic information systems and a weighted linear combination approach. Here, weights were
extracted from a discrete choice analysis that used data based on a stated choice experiment.
From the discrete choice analysis was concluded that people with more CPC experience that
prefer locations in the rural landscape also strongly prefer locations in highly green
neighborhoods and easy access to the public transport system. CPC experienced people that
prefer inner city locations however only prefer the possibility of having communal indoor and
outdoor spaces. With the developed tool, people interested in CPC projects can quickly assess
whether suitable plots are present in their desired area of interest and if so, which plot can be
considered most suitable.
