Keywords: N.A.
I have always been fascinated by the idea that everything around you is created according to a certain plan
or vision. During the study in Eindhoven, you learn to understand why the built environment is the way it is,
why and how areas and buildings are developed, and how these huge elements can have an impact on so
many different levels. Buildings can provide people with a sense of home, make them feel happier, encourage
social interactions, and create a healthy environment to live in.
These insights inspired me to focus on the healthy work environment where an office not only provides a
roof to work under, but supports its users by providing a comfortable and healthy workspace. However,
interventions in real estate that aim to do so are scarce due to the lack of insights in the added organizational
value of these investments. This motivated me to study the effects of changes in the physical workspace on
mental health and organizational performance during my master thesis. Over the past 8.5 months, I have been
working on my graduation project and I can say that I am very satisfied with the result as well as the entire
process from start to finish. And for that, I would like to thank several people.
First of all, I would like to thank my graduation committee, Rianne, Pascale and Lisanne for their excellent
guidance, feedback and knowledge over the past months. I could not have delivered the same level of quality
without your help. In addition, I would like to thank Susanne and Sergé for their help and business insights
during my graduation internship at Royal HaskoningDHV.
Next, thank you Alissa, Bauke, Bouke, Carmen, Ellen, Laura, Marieke, Martijn, Merel, Niels, Puck and Sven
for all the great moments and memories over the past years at TU/e.
Finally, I would like to thank Sophie and my parents and brother for all the support, motivation and necessary
distractions during my studies.
After finishing my graduation project on the 22nd of June, I will complete my MSc. Urban Systems & Real
Estate at Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon in the upcoming six months. I look back at my student days at
Eindhoven University of Technology as a wonderful time full of activities and memories and I look forward
to all the new events and opportunities in my future career.