Keywords: N.A.
Before you lies my master thesis “Analyzing the Relationship between Energy Poverty and Thermal
Living Comfort, and the Influence of a Minor Energy Intervention on Comfort Improvement.” This thesis
has been written to fulfill the graduation requirements of the Architecture, Building, and Planning
program, with a specialization in Urban Systems & Real Estate, at the Eindhoven University of
Technology. The research and writing were conducted from September 2022 to July 2024.
I would first like to extend my gratitude to my main supervisor, Dr. Ioulia Ossokina, for helping me
establish the research topic and for providing insightful feedback and guidance throughout the entire
process. My thanks also go to the chair of my Graduation Supervision Committee, Prof. Dr. Theo Arentze,
whose feedback and help with analytical methods were particularly beneficial in the latter stages of my
project. I also want to thank my third supervisor, Dr. Ir. Pieter-Jan Hoes, from the Building Performance
research group, for his valuable input on comfort-related aspects.
I would like to thank doctoral candidate Vincent Roberdel, who aided me in coding visualizations using
the statistical analysis software R, a tool I was initially unfamiliar with. Furthermore, I wish to thank all
the researchers, Klusbus participants, and students who contributed to creating a comprehensive and
understandable survey.
A special acknowledgment is owed to Jantine Claus, project manager of the energy savings program at
the Municipality of Eindhoven. She provided me with the opportunity to study the Klusbus case study
and access to the necessary data. Without her, I could not have reached the target group as effectively.
Finally, I want to thank my friends for their support along the way. I also wish to express my gratitude
to you, the reader. I hope you enjoy reading and uncover new insights into the subject matter.